
Electric vs. Propane Grill: What’s The Difference?

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It’s time to break out the grill and get ready for summer BBQs. But do you know which type of grill is best for your needs? Electric grills are becoming increasingly popular, but some still swear by propane. So which is the right choice for you? Let’s look at the pros and cons of an electric vs. propane grill.

Electric Grills

Electric Grills Are More Expensive Than Propane Grills

Electric grills are a convenient and energy-efficient way to grill, but they come with a higher upfront cost than propane grills. With electric grills, you don’t have to worry about running out of fuel before your food is cooked or replacing tanks when they run dry.

The temperature control on most electric grills allows for more precise cooking—the perfect steak every time. However, if the price is a deciding factor in your purchase of a grill, consider investing in a propane model.

Propane grills are much lighter than electric models and provide quick heat-up times and a reliable flame for searing; plus, you can find some good deals if you keep an eye on sales.

Ultimately the decision comes down to what best suits your needs, but it certainly pays to do some research before investing in either type of grill.

Electric Grills Take Longer To Heat Up

Electric grills can be a great way to cook an outdoor meal without having to worry about propane, but one of the downsides is that it takes them significantly longer to heat up.

Unlike outdoor grills powered by propane gas, electric grills need several minutes for heating and interior elements to reach the desired temperature before you can start cooking. This can cause frustration for those who want to get their meal started quickly, but it also ensures more thorough heating and consistent temperatures that hold up while grilling.

So while electric grills may take a bit longer than their propane counterparts, they offer distinctive benefits that make up for the time difference.

Electric Grills Can’t Be Used In the Rain

Electric grills are an increasingly popular choice for outdoor cooking, but they can’t be used in the rain.

Although electric grills provide convenience and allow you to cook without having to lug around heavy charcoal or propane tanks, a sudden summer downpour could seriously derail your backyard barbecue plans if you don’t have another option.

To stay safe, it’s important to always check the weather before you plan your get-togethers and have available backup options. That way, you can still enjoy delicious food, whatever the forecast has in store.

Electric Grills Are Better For the Environment

Electric grills are a great way to enjoy barbeque without contributing to environmental pollution. They generate less smoke than charcoal or gas grills and require no fossil fuels. This helps keep the air we breathe clean, reducing our carbon footprint and protecting the environment.

In addition, electric grills also offer more control over heat and temperature, allowing us to slow-cook meals perfectly while consuming less energy as waste heat is easily recycled and reused.

Electric grills are ideal for people who want to throw an outdoor party while still being mindful of their environment.

Electric vs. Propane Grill

Propane Grills

Propane Grills Are Easier to Use

Propane grills are a great way of getting the whole outdoor grilling experience without spending too much time or hassle. Whether you’re a beginner making your first foray into grilling, or an old pro looking to swap out an electric grill, propane is your ally.

Due to its easy-start mechanics, with minimal setup and ready-to-go within minutes, you’ll be up and running in no time.

Propane grills also give you a wider temperature range that’s easy to maintain and control, meaning your food will come out perfectly cooked every time. Who knew backyard barbecuing was so easy?

Propane Grills Can Be Used In the Rain

Grilling in the rain can often seem daunting and dangerous, but with a propane grill, there’s no need to worry. Propane grills use pressurized gas to flame up quickly and efficiently, so the direct effect from any rain should have minimal impact on your food.

Additionally, if you find yourself in a downpour during your next BBQ, simply place a tarp or cover over your grill as an extra layer of protection so that you can still keep cooking even through the harshest weather conditions.

Plus, using a propane grill makes cleaning after cooking much easier since no charcoal is used. So even if it begins to pour outside, you’ll be able to make the most of your cookout with peace of mind thanks to propane grills.

Temperature Range

If you’re in the market for a grill, an essential factor to consider is temperature range—should you go electric or propane?

Electric grills operate at a more consistent temperature with more precise controls, allowing you to adjust heat intensity as needed; this makes it easier to achieve an exact cooking temperature.

Propane grills typically achieve higher temperatures than electric grills, offering more direct cooking options like open flames and searing.

Ultimately, the choice for your needs depends on how you plan on using your grill; are you looking for flexibility or accuracy? If so, why not find something that does both?

Size, Footprint, and Space Required

Electric grills are generally smaller than their propane counterparts, so if you’re looking for something more compact, this may be your ideal choice.

Electric grills don’t require a large outdoor space if a power outlet is nearby. On the other hand, propane grills tend to be bigger, which makes sense since they produce a much higher heat output.

Depending on the size of your outdoor area, you’ll need to decide whether a larger gas-operated unit will fit or just a smaller electric-style unit.

Taking the time to consider size and footprint when choosing between an electric or propane grill will help ensure you end up with one that fits your needs without wasting too much space.


Electric and propane grills are excellent choices since they require minimal upkeep to retain their quality. For an electric grill, clean the exterior and interior parts with a mild soap and water solution after each use.

When it comes to propane grills, ensure that the burners are in proper working order and free of debris.

Additionally, you’ll want to check the gas line periodically for blockages or corrosion. While both grills will require some preventive maintenance over time, most people find that a quick wipe-down after each use is enough to ensure their grill runs efficiently.


There are several things to consider when deciding between an electric grill and a propane grill. Electric grills are more expensive than propane grills, but they’re better for the environment.

Propane grills are easier to use than electric grills, but they can’t be used in the rain. You’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of each type of grill to decide which is right for you.

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